Rooted in Community
Project Details
Rooted in Community is a public art project that connects the community of people to the community of plants in their neighbourhood.
Our history with plants has paralleled since the first peoples who’ve made their home on these lands. The plants have offered us food, shelter, medicine, wisdom, and continue to provide us all a chance to share in common experience through the appreciation of their beauty and resilience. We cultivate them and share relationships with them in our gardens, parks, public spaces and even in our homes. In many Indigenous traditions it is said that plants are our relatives, like an aunt or uncle or a grandparent; they remind us of our connection to the earth, that we (humans) are also a part of nature, and that we are all related.
The Artists
askîy arts collective : herbalist Tiffany J Harper and artist daniel j kirk
(of Blank Page Studio).
The Collaborators
Brendan Kane - Videographer
University of Calgary, School of Architecture Planning & Landscape
The plants and peoples of West Hillhurst
Commissioned by
The Community of West Hillhurst, Calgary
The City of Calgary
Located in Calgary Alberta
Rooted in Community Project Video